A letter can be an incredible gift. Not only does it say, 'I care enough to write to you,' but it also gives physical form to the words, allowing them to be savored and remembered.

Try On These Shoes

Aug. 30, 2023

SEASON FINALE | The Phone Call

SEASON FINALE: It's been said every story has a new chapter. Today we walk with Amy Getzlow. Amy is the wife of Neil Getzlow. Neil was a past guest earlier this season. Amy today shares her side of what went on as she discovered Neil had been having multiple extra marriage affairs. She shares her heart and how she was able to move past the pain. Join me as I walk in Amy's shoes.

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Aug. 23, 2023

The Voice Within The Mask

Imagine for a moment your father putting you in a trash can and saying to you "This is where you belong." What would that do to you? How long would that one event stick with you? My guest today is Dr. Mark McNear. Mark grew up hearing harsh words that undermined his desire to take initiative in life. After struggling with abuse, addictions, and rehab, Mark wondered fearfully what would happen next. Now, Mark McNear wakes up each morning with joy in his heart. He is filled with hope and longs fo…

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Aug. 16, 2023


I'll do that later...Weight loss, it feels like that is one of those things we, or I keep putting off. I'll start next Monday. Well, today is the day to start. My guest today is Alana Van Der Sluys she is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, TEDx speaker, eating disorder survivor, and the founder of Freedom with Food and Fitness. She is dedicated to empowering women to heal their relationship with food and their bodies to step into their potential, take up space, and pursue true health. She …

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Aug. 9, 2023

Other Side of the Coin

The phrase "the other side of the coin" is an idiomatic expression that refers to a different perspective or aspect of a situation, issue, or concept. Just like a coin has two sides, this expression suggests that there are two contrasting viewpoints or facets to consider. It implies that one should examine both sides in order to gain a more complete understanding of the matter at hand. This phrase is often used to emphasize the complexity and multifaceted nature of various topics, encouraging i…

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Aug. 2, 2023

Very Angry Indeed

One of my favorite cartoon characters is Marvin the Martian. He has a quote "That makes me very angry, very angry indeed". Anger is a normal and natural emotion experienced by all humans at some point in their lives. It is often triggered by feeling frustrated, threatened, or hurt in some way. Anger can serve as a protective mechanism and can even be a motivating force for change. However, it's essential to understand and manage anger constructively to prevent it from causing harm to yourself o…

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July 26, 2023

The Battle Over The Mask

How are you fighting this battle? My guest today is Fred Stoeker. Fred stops by to share why he wrote this new book "Battle On, Battle Over". Fred believes you can achieve victory in your battle for sexual purity--Starting Today! Fred shares we live in a culture that's awash in pornography and sexual sin. For the first time in history, a growing percentage of women have been swept up by the same savage undertow as men, and they are drowning together in this heaving, destructive sea. Perhaps yo…

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July 19, 2023

Finally Unmasked

When is the last time you heard "I forgive you"? I forgive you. Three simple words. Life changing? More like life-saving. My guest today is Neil Getzlow, Author of "Unmasked" Neil talks about the power of forgiveness and unconditional love is life-changing. For Neil, it goes back to that life-changing moment at the start of his journey in April 2020 when God helped him unmask all of his sins to Amy Neil's wife. He shares how nobody ever signs up to tell a story like this. Quite the opposite act…

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July 12, 2023

I Know That Mask

Hey, Neil here! I want to introduce you to Sarah Geringer. Sarah is someone who can provide a new perspective and encourages listeners to put themselves in Other People's Shoes. The conversation starts with me discussing a TV show called "The Mentalist" and its main character, Patrick Jane, who is a know-it-all. This leads to a discussion about Missouri and its pronunciation. Sarah corrects me and explains that both pronunciations, Missouri, are acceptable. Then transition to discussing the pod…

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July 5, 2023

That Is A Stupid Thing To Do

*** DISCLAIMER PLEASE DO NOT TAKE UNLESS YOU SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP FIRST. **** A few months back a very good friend, who I believe is one of the smartest people I have interacted with Sean McCoy. Shared with me that he had taken Magic Mushrooms. My first reaction was "That has to be the dumbest thing you have ever done." "Why?" After all Magic Mushrooms also known as psilocybin mushrooms, contain a naturally occurring psychoactive compound called psilocybin. When ingested, psilocybin is con…

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June 28, 2023

Transcend Beyond The Mask

How would you define the word transcend? One definition is to go further, rise above, or be more important or better than something, especially a limit: My guest today is Catherine Llewellyn. To transcend beyond the mask means to go beyond the superficial or false identity that one may wear to conform to societal expectations or to hide their true self. It involves breaking free from the limitations imposed by external perceptions and embracing one's authentic self at a deeper level. It is a jo…

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June 21, 2023

Unveiling the Mystery

We are unveiling the Mystery of Bigfoot: A Legendary Encounter. In this episode, we explore the enigmatic legend of Bigfoot, a creature that has fascinated people worldwide for centuries. My guest is Greg Roberts. Greg shares with us all things Bigfoot from his point of view. We delve into the origins of the Bigfoot myth, tracing its roots back to indigenous cultures and Native American folklore, where stories of encounters with a giant, hairy creature have been passed down through generations…

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June 14, 2023

Glorious Grace

A narcissist is typically defined as an individual who has an excessive preoccupation with themselves, an inflated sense of self-importance, and a lack of empathy for others. They often have an intense desire for admiration and attention and may display arrogant or entitled behaviors. Narcissists tend to have an exaggerated sense of their own abilities and achievements while belittling or disregarding the feelings and needs of others. How would you feel or react to a person that is like this? M…

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June 7, 2023

Fitting In

There is something powerful about a double-edged sword. Would you agree? My guest today is Wes. Wes is a really amazing friend in my life. Wes shares what happened when was dragged away by his need to just fit in. Wes, also shares that you to can find freedom if you chose to remove the mask. I come before you today with a humble heart and a sincere desire to seek your guidance and strength. I acknowledge the negative impact that marijuana and alcohol have had on my life, and I yearn for the cou…

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May 31, 2023

Decoding The Mask

How amazing would life be if you had a secret decoder ring? Secret decoder rings have been popularized in various forms of media, such as books, comics, or movies, often used by fictional spies or secret agents. They add an element of mystery and intrigue, allowing individuals to engage in code-breaking activities and solve puzzles. Sadly it is just make-believe. However, my guest today Dr. Sarah Hensley is here to help us with decoding the mask we may be wearing. In order to do that one must a…

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May 24, 2023

Swept Up

The term "swept up" typically refers to a state of being carried away or caught up in a strong, powerful, or overwhelming emotion, experience, or situation. It implies a feeling of being engulfed or overwhelmed by something, often in a figurative sense. It can describe being captivated, enchanted, or deeply affected by a particular event, feeling, or circumstance that leaves a significant impact. It can also refer to being caught up in a wave of enthusiasm, excitement, or fervor that carries on…

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May 17, 2023

Agree To Disagree

To "agree to disagree" is a phrase used when two or more individuals hold different opinions or viewpoints on a particular topic, and they decide to end the discussion or argument without trying to convince each other to change their stance. It acknowledges the existence of a fundamental disagreement while emphasizing mutual respect and the willingness to move past the disagreement without harboring ill feelings or prolonging an unproductive debate.

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May 10, 2023

To Be, Or Not To Be

To be, or not to be, that is the question: What will you be today? My guest is one of my favorite guests. Meghan Newkirk came on back in season nine "Are You Enough". Today Meghan and I get caught up and talk about the masks that she has worn. To help you remember. Meghan has dealt with having obsessive-compulsive disorder. To help with her own unmasking she wrote the book “Loving Naomi.” Join me as we try on again Meghan's shoes.

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May 3, 2023

UFO Or God

Are UFOs real? IF so where do they come from? My guest today is Chris Bledsoe. Chris is a deeply religious family man and successful business owner from North Carolina who was on the verge of the unthinkable after losing everything in the 2007 financial crisis and suffering from a debilitating chronic disease. Fishing along the banks of the Cape Fear River with three co-workers and his teenage son, he walks away from the group and cries out to God in desperate prayer for help. Suddenly, a UFO a…

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